It's been awhile since I wrote I just kinda got away from it but really want to start posting to it more even if nobody reads it but me..lol. We went to W.V. for vacation and even though three toddlers in homes that were not babyproofed was EXTREMELY stressful and tiring it had it's moments. We spent alot of time with John's cousin Jamie& his family. He and Joni have two boys Brandon& JD that I've LOVED since I first met them. They are the rowdest two boys but are the two sweetest and most wellmannered kids I've seen. They know when to behave and when to cut up. They are SO GENTLE with the babies they entertained them and ran after them & seemed to enjoy it..lol. They cracked me up referring to the babies as "my baby"(Leah ADORED Bandon). Jd liked playing with Robbie and David more I think. Him and David would "fight" with each other. While we were there I really saw the babies in a more grown up light...they wanted to be treated more like big kids instead of babies. They talked alot more while we were up there for some reason and still are now since we've been back home. It's like being around Brandon & Jd made their speech just explode. They aren't around many older kids(or other kids period besides church) while hear at home. While in W.V. John grandmother fell and broke her hip. She was pretty bad for awhile because they just put 3 stints in her heart in June and so they couldn't take her off blood thinners because of the risks associated with clots but needed to do surgery so they weren't sure how she would do in surgery THANK GOD she is alright and now in a nursing home until she gets her hip rehab done. She is married and I'm sure she misses her hubby who will be 107yrs old in Oct!!! They live alone together which is why she had to go to a nursing home because they thought she needed full time help for awhile instead of just rehab at home. We went to Kanawha State Forrest while we were up there and hiked on one of the trails and we walked out on another but didn't get to far because it was to rough for the babies to walk or to take the wagon out but we got some pretty good pic's I'll be loading.
As for the babies they're doing some new stuff now that is pretty darn cute! David LOVES to count(and can count to 5) he sometimes mixes it up and will jump from 2 or 3 to 5 but it's adorable. He loves to give a high five and put on a little book bag his mommaw Betty gave him and wear it around the house. He still loves talking on the phone but now he wants to talk when someone is on the other end of the line! If the phone rings he runs to it saying "helloooo" I'll have to get a video of him saying hello it cracks us up!
Robbie is pointing to EVERYTHING and asking "what is it?"(if he's asked me once he's asked a BILLION times what everything in this house is). He asks you tell him and he points out something else. He also loves to pretend to be asleep(including snoring) and gets a kick out of you trying to "wake him up". He's still not doing to much with the fork or spoon he gets frustrated REALLY EASY and ends up tossing it..lol. He LOVES Thomas the Train. When he hears the music he runs SCREAMING "CHOO CHOO" he is SO FUNNY. Sometimes it's like he just gets a huge burst of energy and goes running through the house screaming at the top of his lungs laughing. He is also loving "if your happy and you know it". His favorite part is the stomping part and it is so funny to watch him try to stomp his feet and clap his hands. He also makes us laugh jumping too...he's my shorty and to see his little legs jumping will make you smile everytime.
Leah....well there is only one word to describe her and that is W I L D!!!! She says SO MANY things and is eating GREAT with a fork& spoon. She jumps from one house to the other loves MoMo(AKA Elmo). She also likes the pretend to sleep game. She will take your hand and lead you to the kitchen and go to the fridge saying "juice" and/or "num num"(milk). If she sees you making lunch or dinner she climbs INTO her high chair and sits down. On Friday I put them down for their nap as normal and John& I were sitting the living room(I was folding clothes he was eating lunch) and all the sudden Leah started CRYING..I go check and she has climbed OUT of her crib and gotten in the dresser pulling out clothes and then CLIMBED INTO Robbie's crib!!! Alot of kids climb out and I was shocked she hadn't already done that cause she can climb anything she's part monkey I think. But to climb INTO Robbie's just shocked me!
Some of the best times is seeing them all three when they get into their screaming matches...they get in a room almost in a circle and start going "AHHHHHHH" really loud and long then just bust out laughing. Sometimes they run through the house in a line screaming "AHHHHHHH" too...I know most people will think I'm nuts but I LOVE IT! I didn't have kids to have a quiet house and could careless the noise is the most wonderful sound to me. My house is busy and full of kids and I love it that way!
Here's some pic's from Vacation!!