Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
I am gonna be an AUNT!
My little sister is going to have a baby! She told us yesterday and believes she due the end of July or beginning of August 2008. We're so excited to have another munchkin running around. My dad is doing much better he's been home a little while now and although he's still hurting alot he's doing much better. The babies are doing GREAT talking more and more everyday. They keep me rolling they are so funny. We've been to the zoo and wildlife resource center at a state park recently and I'll get some pic's posted here soon. I don't get to update alot because I'm so wiped by the end of the day but I'm hoping to get better at this eventually!
Posted by
10:52 AM
Saturday, October 6, 2007
It's been awhile and please say some prayers for my dad
Hi all
It's been awhile since I've updated but we've had SO MUCH stuff going on. For the past two months my kids have been passing some sicknesses around and things have been pretty rough around here. Just when it seemed like they were getting better and things were straightening out my dad had an accident at work on Friday. He fell from a catwalk that was 10-12ft in the air. All he remembers is walking down toward the ladder and that is it. He has retrograde amnesia(can't remember things leading up to the fall and being found) he has a broken wrist in several places which also has torn ligaments, he has several breaks in his pelvis which will have to have 3-4 plates to peice it together, he has a minor head injury(bleeding in the brain which they believe will be absorbed by his body), concusion and a deep gash above his left eye. When he was found he was unconcious and they aren't sure how long he'd been laying there. We're blessed that he's still here and we're just asking for major prayers for him. It's pretty scary how things can change. They will be doing a couple of surgeries on his hip and wrist but can't do those until he is more stable. They are also waiting for one of the surgeons that can do his surgery because they only do them on Monday's and Thursday's because there is only 2 doctors who can do the kind of surgery he needs. Tonight he started running a low grade fever they will be watching this pretty closely so whoever if anyone reads this please say some prayers for him.
Posted by
9:26 PM
Labels: Prayers for my dad
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
God help me I love my kids I really really really do more than life itsself. I mean I prayed for them for years and have been lucky enough to be a stay at home mommy to them and see every first and do all this wonderful stuff with THREE babies not just one but there are days like yesterday and today that make me want to RIP OUT MY HAIR BY THE ROOTS! I go in and get them up this morning tell them we need to put our pasi's in our beds for nap later today...they all do and go running out of the room. They pick up their milk and I proceed to change diapers before we get settled in for breakfast and this is where the FUN begins!! David decided he didn't want his diaper changed so I had to CHASE HIM down(which he thought was halarious by the way) so I catch him and change his diaper while he is screaming like he's being beat with a club and stiffing up his legs. I get him changed and Leah(sweet girl) comes over and lays down for me to change her. Robbie takes off running so another chase begins...catch him and we do battle but get him changed. They like to "HELP" me do everything so they took their diapers to the pantry where I keep the trash can(why fight that battle right?) I open the door and they fight pushing and screaming at each other yelling "NO NO MINE...STOP...MOVE" so I take the diapers and all three go running SCREAMING like their heads are on fire flinging themselves on the floor banging their heads so I get them in their seats and give them their pancakes so they eat breakfast(another battle to wipe them off cause they had syrup everywhere!). We go to the living room to play and Leah takes everything the boys go to TOUCH screaming at them "MINE, NO" I put her in time out and she laughs. She gets out of time out and goes to climb the toy kitchen..I get her down she goes to the couch climbs up and scoots on her bottom across the top of the couch with me saying "No Leah...get down please. GET DOWN...RIGHT NOW" to which her and David look at me and say "IGHT NOOW"(I hide my laughter cause it was kinda cute) and phyiscally move her off the couch only to realize Robbie has disappeared(he's SO SNEAKY) so I come back to the den and he has pulled the cushions off the couch and is standing on one turning the vcr off and on and has took the access card out of the Direct TV box and torn paper(still haven't figured out how he got to it) up in the floor! SO I get him we go back to the living room where I get Leah back down off the couch and sit down in the floor to try to sing with them(they love Itsy Bitsy Spider, If your happy and you know it) that kinda stuff. David LOVES to wear out shoes around so he slides his feet into my shoes and starts to go walking off well Leah decides they are her shoes and she wants them so she GRABS THE BACK OF THE SHOES as he is walking past and what do you think David does....if you guessed hit the floor FACE FIRST you are correct!! He starts screaming I'm trying to comfort him and telling Leah she was MEAN to bubba and she looks at me and says "mean baby" and points to herself. We get juice and a snack and sit down to watch a little t.v. and I got up to go clean up the kitchen and get started on lunch. I made them grilled cheeses(which they've eaten before usually once a week) and made John& me some tomato soup to go with out grilled cheese(the babies don't like the tomato soup) we sit down to eat and they play with it, throw it in the floor, crumble it up on the table everything but eat it....so we try pizza..nope don't want it either. So I give them some juice change diapers and we lay them down for naptime because it was a little after 12pm. At 230 I got them up and again checked diapers(which means chased David and Robbie through the house) and got them some mac&cheese they have to be hungry right? They eat that and popcorn w/ a bananna for lunch. They are playing in the living room and I'm unloading the dishwasher and hear Leah start SCREAMING CRYING(like a for real hurt cry) I go in and Robbie has scratched the CRAP out of her face and she has all these little nail marks on her cheek. Robbie goes in time out and keeps getting up and taking a step and sitting back down laughing. Finally he does his time out and gets up. He finds a plastic bat and is hitting the little balls they have in the floor around minding his own business so I go to finish the dishwasher because John is home and in their with them and hear Leah start really crying again and hear John YELLING at someone. Turns out Robbie had Leah by the hair and was PULLING WITH EVERYTHING HE HAD...my family came down tonight for my mom's bday which was Saturday and thank GOD my sister and mom bathed the babies tonight so that was one thing I didn't have to worry about especially after the day we had. They honestly acted like they were deaf all day because anything I said they just laughed and kept right on doing it like "what are you gonna do about it" So they went to bed at 8pm and John& me collapsed on the couch looked at each other and CRACKED UP LAUGHING because we're both insane and wore OUT! I don't know if we're going to survive or if they are going to end up locking us up in the house and having a P A R T Y for the next 18yrs! LOL...What a day but hey we're healthy, happy and still have a few stray hairs left so what could be better..we're blessed to have three healthy, active kids sleeping in their own room in their own beds right now which is where I'm heading.
Night all!! I'll get some pic's tomorrow of Leah's face for ya'll to see..I don't have them uploaded and am wore out.
Posted by
12:20 AM
Monday, August 6, 2007
This is a NUTHOUSE!!
Sometimes I feel like I live in a crazy house. There is so much going on all the time I just have to sit down and take a breath. The babies naptime I am so tired I've been cleaning one room and resting the rest of their naptime because they are all over the place. Our house is childproofed but they can find anything they are NOT suppose to be in to get into!! I was sitting in the living room floor with them playing after nap on Thursday of last week and Leah came back to the den Robbie was already back here and David got up to come see what they were doing so after a few minutes(they usually chase each other back and forth) they didn't come back and it was REALLY QUIET which is NOT GOOD so I came in here to see what was going on and much to my surprise they were not in here..they were ON THE BACK PORCH!!!! They had pushed open the sliding glass door and were happily running around on the porch and when they saw me come in here they were looking at me like "where have you been?" Meanwhile I was freaking out and now we can't even leave the doors unlocked without them breaking out. Thank GOD John had put the gate up on the steps several weeks ago or that could've been VERY BAD. They are repeating EVERYTHING we say it's like the game you've heard older siblings and younger siblings(not nessicerly a game) but repeating to get on your nerves we'll I have three repeats right on my heals and if ONE SLIP happens they repeat it the rest of the day! OH THE JOY! LOL--We came back from W.V. and it was like they went wild. Didn't want to nap started climbing in and out of their cribs, climbing high chairs and the toy kitchen(and anything else they could) so they don't have high chairs anymore and Leah's enjoying her toddler bed..so far David and Robbie are doing ok with it so now things have finally settled down some I hope to do a better job of keeping up with this blog.
Leah says probably 50-100 words now and David is closing in on her. Robbie I'm actually a little worried about because he doesn't seem to be saying much he just jibbers all day. We may be looking into a speech evaluation for him soon. It's late so I'm hitting the sack to get ready for tomorrow!
Thanks if anyone is still reading this.
Posted by
11:26 PM
Monday, July 23, 2007
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Vacation..haha. 6/29-7/9
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1:27 PM
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Dh and kiddos in the park for a ride in the CHoo CHoo wagon
This is my hubby John and from front to back Leah, Robbie and David we went to a local park for the afternoon to let them run around and play we were heading to the car after a ride in their Choo Choo wagon. It was an AWESOME day!
Posted by
11:01 PM
Labels: Dec at the park (Dh and kiddos in the choo choo wagon)
Robbie 9/25/05
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12:27 AM
Monday, February 26, 2007
A little about us...
John(my hubby) and I have been married for 5yr this coming March 29th. We tried for 3 long years to have children and were blessed with triplets on our third month with the RE, in our 3 yr of marriage and had 3 babies..lol. Needless to say we now consider 3 our new lucky number.
David,Leah and Robbie were born 9/23/05 at 34wks5days and spent 16 of the longest days of my life in the NICU just to learn to eat and grow a little. David is the oldest and was the biggest at 4lbs12oz 17.5in long. Leah was second and 3lbs12oz 17in long, then last but not least Robbie who was a whopping 3lbs4oz 15.5in long. My pregnancy was pretty easy except for 15wks of bedrest because of cervical shortening/funneling. I got a cerclage at 19wks4days and was on bedrest for the duration with no further problems. The babies are now healthy, happy 17mnth olds that run from sun up to sundown! Their little personalities are really starting to show and although they don't say much they are starting to talk a little more(even though we don't understand alot of it).
Posted by
12:10 PM