Man I really suck at this blogging thing...lol. I get so caught up in other stuff that by the time I get on here to write somebody is waking up or I'm falling asleep and I never make it back. From the last time I posted we have had a couple rounds of sickie's I've had an emergency room visit for a K I L L E R headache(for which I'll see a neurologist for next week) the kids FINALLY got their two year shots(they were sick around their bday and from Sept-Nov I just couldn't take them when they were sick already. By the time the New Year rolled around their doctor only sees patients in the well clinic on certain days and so it was a month before they could be seen. They are all healthy and looking great. If anyone's reading or checking anymore please say a prayer for me because it's SOOO HARD waking up at 4am with a headache so bad I wanna throw up and getting up with three 2 1/2 yrs olds who get up running at 7am..it could be a couple of different things. I'm just hoping it gets worked out sooner rather than later.
My dad was released from his hip doctor for LIMITED work sitting at a desk which he still hasn't been released from his hand doctor yet so computer work is out so we think he may have to go back parttime at the end of the month but we're not sure. To tell you the truth and this is gonna sound bad but I was hoping this time wouldnt' come for awhile. I'm so scared for him going back to work. I really didn't get how much so until a month or so ago when I was sitting with my dad and it hit me that he could've not been here with my kids right now. He was very blessed and someone was watching out for him that day and I thank GOD for us still having him here. This has all been quite scary and unsettling. I love it when my kids wanna "call pappaw" just to say hi. They love my dad SO MUCH and he loves them just as much or more and it's so neat to watch them together. We've got alot coming up in the next couple of weeks.
John's parents have gotten back together and they will be down the first of April for a couple of weeks and we're excited about that..we've joked that we may not let them leave! LOL
Here are some recent pic's of our BABIES....